Friday, November 28, 2008

Fun Stuff (Lols and Shirley Q), lite commentary

Condoleezma Rice (Shirley Q)

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Bo Burnham, 3.14 Pie (Motha-effin Suffrage):

Early wassup, with kids:

Later wassup, with video game characters. Notice Dukie is the infamous Duke Nuke 'Em:

This is the first Wassup. I started to figure out that it all originated somewhere. I think I first saw this as the kids. But I think there's also a "Wasabi" commercial somewhere...

Here it is, the "wassup wasabi" commercial, again, from Budweiser:

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Sometimes FAIL videos are disturbing, and I often won't watch them, based on this experience. This one is no exception, though it is only a statue falling down. But the pathos in the film below is remarkable. We know what's going to happen, and one can ask: who will fail? You have a choice of 4. I knew early on which guy was going to 'drop the ball'. Notice that the crowd screams as if someone has come in and committed violence on another person. No false Gods, my ass. Obviously, there's a sense of loss, for the sculptor. But I swear these people took it as a very bad omen that this idol was allowed to fall, and break. Notice also that the man responsible acts like he wasn't. He acts like it really was an accident, which it was. But when he was turning, and re-positioning his hands, he didn't take into account the physics involved. Which is the way a lot of people drive. And accidents happen:

A Shalom! wassup:

This is a really weird wassup, supposedly banned. It uses dictators yelling, "ENTRE.................," their version (according to the ad, anyway) of wassup.

I enter, I greet.

wassup is basically, "I enter! Greetings!" or, "Greetings! I have entered!".

In formal settings one would not enter a room this way.

But if you have roommates and a big game is going down, and the work time is over, and you're all going to sit around and get tilted and giggle, it is only appropriate that the members of the party enter with greetings as though they were deities.

It occurs in a culture when people are getting together in a casual and celebratory way.

In western culture, the story of this is told quickly and succinctly via such things as the Budweiser "wassup" commercials.

They gimped it a little for the dictator version, and it's probably racist or ethnist, and would be found generally offensive by the groups portrayed under certain interpretations.

That said, it's essentially the same thing as the American version, and has an almost unitive quality; so that we see 'these people' are just like us.

Maybe that's why it was banned, ha ha.

I think the part with bush is very funny, on a number of levels.

One, he's joining in and forgetting that they're 'different' than him.

Again, a possible reason to ban it.

But in keeping with the paranoia that is a part of human nature, when the greeters here this foreign Bush person utter a greeting of his own, they turn everything off.

Because he is a threat to them, they cannot utter greetings to him, they must hide from him.

I discuss this because I see the people represented by these 'sovereigns' as not evil, this is not about terrorists; this is actually about people who have different religious and political views than us.

So while the depiction may be of some ruler who is arguably a tyrant, the people that ruler represents are normal people, like roommates who have different habits than us.

These are 4 supposedly banned commercials. All but one have sexual innuendo, the other one implies violence, but against an immobile object. Remember all the violence that is allowed on our tvs and ask yourself why on earth these would be banned:


1 comment:

goooooood girl said...

your blog is very nice......